GSE Team of Distict 9690

GSE Team of Distict 9690
This blog has been established for the GSE Team of District 9690 (Western Sydney) who are exchanging with Disrict 3470 (Taiwan) in 2011. The team wearing their Sunday best!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome Party and Day 1 of Program

Last night we had our official welcome party with special attendance from District Governor and Governor Elect. D3470 outbound team was also there and delivered their presentation which was very interesting. We had our first live presentation which went well and had good feedback. This was then followed by a 10 course (we think- can't keep count) dinner!

One thing we did learn is "one dollar?" two dollar?" "three dollar?" or "four dollar?" which is the level of drinking... four dollar being the equivalent of "bottoms up". This was put into practice with some Taiwanese beer.

Today was our first official program day...

1. Buffet Breakfast- very nice!
2. Visit national park to see rare Black Face Spoon Bill Bird- Too cold and windy so they were not there!

No Spoon Bills :-(

3. Mariculture Research Centre of the Fisheries Research Institute - Very interesting use of technology and its use in food production
4. Lunch at Sinan Village- Banquet of seafood with no less then 12 dishes being served and thoroughly enjoyed

5. Salt Museum- Learnt the process of extracting salt in Taiwan and its many uses in day to day items.. who would of thought there is so much to learn about salt- not just for our fish and chips after-all!

6. Visit to the Bethlehem Foundation
After the salt museum the team proceeded to the school of the Bethlehem Foundation which has been proudly supported by Rotary to assist especially young people 0-6yo with learning disabilities to achieve all they can achieve. We reviewed the mobile out reach van and classrooms where key skills such as physical dexterity are worked on and improved.
7. Dinner at Kaori's home- The mere thought of more food at this stage was a struggle in itself. But we managed to get through some more spectacular food which finished with a 1,000 layer cake- will get the recipe for this... hope we can find someone with enough cooking expertise to cook it!

8. Hotel Check in: Southern Taiwan Science Park- Just checked into our new hotel... amazing accommodation which we could easily get use to!

Looking forward to tomorrow!

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