GSE Team of Distict 9690

GSE Team of Distict 9690
This blog has been established for the GSE Team of District 9690 (Western Sydney) who are exchanging with Disrict 3470 (Taiwan) in 2011. The team wearing their Sunday best!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Morning

After a much better night's sleep, we enjoyed another extended buffet breakfast in the hotel.
The hotel that we visited last night is only a block from our hotel, so we decided to walk back and check out the gardens that looked fantastic in the dark last evening.
What an amazing place - waterfall, statues, gardens. A real oasis in an area that has little green space. There was a wedding setting up in the grounds. Amazing flowers and decorations. So much colour!!

Wandered back to the hotel to do some adjustments to our presentation, and to meet later this afternoon with the outgoing team.
Welcome party here at the hotel tonight, then the beginning of the full GSE experience tomorrow.
So far - amazing and fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cushy start. Two days in a hotel no less. Sounds like you are already having a great time. Continue to do so, eh? Don't forget the Aussie flag has a seven pointed federation star.
